Free Guide!

Learn the five stories you must be able to tell us an entrepreneur, coach, or leader

tap into a super quick framework that helps you cut out all the boring blah, blah, blah

Utilize the prompts to find the heart of your story

You keep hearing everyone talk about how "story" is the key to ... well... seemingly everything these days. But the real power of story is reading another book about it -- it's actually starting to tell them. This complimentary guide will help you do exactly that without all the neuroscience and mythology talk.

Get the complimentary
StoryCraft guide!

- Kasey Bergh

"Mike is like a storytelling doula helping pull your experience together"

    Meet the Director

    Hi! I'm Mike -- and I've never heard a great story delivered well that I could resist.

    I work with keynote speakers, influencers, top podcast hosts, and executives to help them create transformative experiences worthy of standing ovations. As a keynote director, I look at the performance from the audience's perspective and gives direct, honest feedback to make it unforgettable.

    If you’re ready to step into your legend era as a public speaker, it’s time to hire a director, not a speaking coach.

    Past Clients include